Monday 31 August 2009

Apple sours and 600 flashing bunnies.

It's been a while.

To update - College results obtained. 2 Bs and 2 Cs. I'm pretty pleased. Retaking sociology first paper however, after all, it is what i'm planning on doing at Uni. Yes, the education scared jade south is going to university next year.

So the plan was to have a party. A nice excuse to get drunk is getting results. However unfortunately most people couldnt actually make it due to either being stuck in york, being dead from york or simply not having the pennies to get to my house which does HAVE to be a billion miles from anywhere doesnt it! At the end of it all there where 6 of us, which looking back at the small space of the 'social area' in my living room is enough without squishage. (pete decided there was an invisible boundry between the social area and the area where the pc is, which is void of any habbitation.)

The basic run down of the evening is -
1) Sean got over his homophobia by getting on very well with both pete and adam. Thank god.
2) I consumed far too much mickey finn sour green.
3) Taking 3 boys to the park at 1 in the morning armed with lambrini can be hillarious.
4) Being a girl and weeing in the woods whilst wearing tights is difficult.
5) Jaz drunk (from 2 bottles of 4% carribean twist) is brilliant.
6) It's advisable to pick up naan breads from the side of your cooker before you let guests in the kitchen.

And lastly, in barton, if you decide to take a 2am walk across the humber bridge you will come across 600 women wearing pink with flashing bunny ears walking across the bridge at the same time. A yearly phenominom (i cant spell that word for shit). What a very surreal night.

Also, as found, mix everything with creme soda. It makes everything wonderfull. Especially mickey finn. OM NOM NOM.

I intend on reinacting this night again, this time hopefully with more people and less flashing bunnies.

I'm listening to bob marley. This puts me in a good mood, and good moods mean little musings. I will muse to you later on.

Sunday 16 August 2009

Catch 22

Why is it that you cant get a job unless you drive, and you cant drive untill you have a job to buy insurence and petrol etc. It annoys me. Im getting increasingly in debt and am failing at this job getting as i live out in bloody no where land. Its the price you pay for not wanting to be stabbed on your doorstep.
I'm in debt with various companies now.. npower, anglian water, southern electric and tv licencing. fun times (n)
And ive had some great creative ideas to make money, but i need cash to start up in the first place to then make money. Yet again another one of said catch 22 situations. At the risk of sounding like a spoilt 7 year old... its not fair. =[

Monday 3 August 2009

Its been a while

So yeah its been a while since i posted here. I'm begining to loose the will, i told you i would.
Recently i have bought a sports bra and a wii + wii fit in an attempt to get fit/thin/both. Probably wont happen seen as as soon as i'm on my own i need chocolate and eat a whole bar. Blargh.
Also i wanted to do stuff every day, but day 1 i did 70 sit ups and now my stomach really hurts and has done for 3 days. Not helpful in the slightest. I was also going to post my weight online so everyone can see to help motivate me, but the wii balance board is a load of bollocks and decided to say i was over 13st.. I am not. I'm like 10 1/2 - 11. NOT 13. FFS. so maybe ill do that when it gives me a more realistic weight. Ill start running when i have my sports bra. I WILL get fit, i WILL.